New Comic Wednesday (9/16/15)




What is coming out on Wednesday, September 16, 2015? Here are six spotlight issues from a variety of publishers.


Cover Star Wars 9 Cover Agent Carter

Star Wars #9
Description: Luke’s lightsaber has been stolen and he must retrieve it! Meanwhile, the Imperials are closing in on Han and Leia… set upon them by a mysterious woman from Han’s past!
Writer: Jason Aaron | Cover Artist: Stuart Immonen

Agent Carter: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1
Description: Agent Carter is back in an all-new adventure that reveals her secret history with S.H.I.E.L.D.! When Dum Dum Dugan attempts to recruit her to S.H.I.E.L.D., will Peggy join up or go her own way? Operation S.I.N.s crackerjack team of Kathryn Immonen and Rich Ellis return to the world of Peggy Carter!
Writer: Kathryn Immonen | Artist: Rich Ellis


Cover-WonderWoman44 Cover-HarleyQuinn20

Wonder Woman #44
Description: Wonder Woman is on the trail of Donna Troy, who seeks refuge in London from both Diana and her past. But a new friend may be more trouble than help for the fleeing Amazon outcast!
Writer: Meredith Finch | Artists: Jonathan Glapion, David Finch

Harley Quinn #20
Description: Like Los Angeles didn’t have enough problems with DC Comics moving in, now Harley Quinn is determined to take over Tinseltown! She’s an overnight entertainment sensation, but will the industry survive Harley’s fifteen minutes of fame?
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner | Artist: John Timms


Cover Plants vs Zombies Cover The Payback 1

Plants vs Zombies: Grown Sweet Home #4
Description: A new story arc begins! A group of young plants move out of Crazy Dave’s garage and into his huge family mansion in Neighborville. But why is Dr. Zomboss spying on them? Artist Andie Tong joins writer Paul Tobin for this three-issue arc! Bonus stories by Karim Friha!
Writer: Paul Tobin | Artist: Andie Tong, Karim Friha

The Paybacks #1
Description: REPO SUPERMEN! Heroism doesn’t come cheap, so when superheroes borrow money to finance their genetic enhancements or crime-fighting supercomputers, their debts make student loans look like IOUs! Enter the Paybacks, a repo squad composed of bankrupt former heroes here to foreclose on everybody’s secret lairs! From the team that delivered the acclaimed Buzzkill! Being a superhero has a price. Meet the team that collects it. A superhero comedy for the debt-ridden generation! Unicorn!
Writers: Donny Cates, Eliot Rahal | Artist: Geoff Shaw

What will you be picking up this week?

Check out these graphic novels for purchase…

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