Last month, the spinoff to the hugely popular The Walking Dead began its first season on AMC. The series, Fear the Walking Dead is a prequel of sorts, which shows the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. The pilot has been posted online to watch for free, and it is worth a watch! Episode Details: Season…
Wonder Woman Revealed Sure, Warner Brothers and DC Entertainment released some Dark Knight Returns inspired footage for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but that was slightly overshadowed by the reveal of the movie’s Wonder Woman. Until now it was unknown if Gal Gadot would even don a costume, but here she is in a…
The San Diego Comic Con has begun and with it we are being flooded with awesome geek news- from both the actual con and the lead up to it. Lets start with one of the biggest comic book movies that is currently in production… BISHOP JOINS THE X-MEN Bishop (Omar Sy- pictured to the left…
We’re back with some television news for you to fall into. GOODBYE JAY LENO… AGAIN Only a handful of years since his last retirement from The Tonight Show, it appears that the curtain is closing on Jay Leno once again in 2014. As expected, he will be passing the torch to Saturday Night Live alum…
All season has been building to this; the prison vs Woodbury. The preview show’s Woodbury’s evil “Governor” leading an army that outnumbers Rick’s prison crew by at least two (if not three) to one. Will there be a massacre at the prison? Does Rick have a plan up his sleeve? Will they abandon ship? As…
In the last Pit column we talked about some movie news, including Ghostbusters 3, the next Muppets adventure, and FOX’s upcoming reboot of Marvel Comic’s Fantastic Four. Today lets look at some television news bits. Lets start with a show that has been breaking Cable ratings records left and right, the AMC zombie horror series…