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  • Preview: Angel & Faith #3 (2014)

    Preview: Angel & Faith #3 (2014)

    Angel & Faith #3 Official Description: Angel has found everyone is going to the same person in London’s Magic Town for advice-and it’s decidedly not him. But she is someone Angel can take partial credit for . . . And the pixie menaces have stepped up their muscle with another lady from Angel’s past. Meanwhile,…

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  • Preview: Angel & Faith #22

    Preview: Angel & Faith #22

    Everything in the past 22 issues has been leading up to this. All of Angel’s planning and his journey with Faith is coming to a head. Did the spell work? Has Giles been resurrected? The issue’s description does not lead on, but thankfully for us, the issue came out last week. I’ve really enjoyed how…

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  • Preview: Spike: A Dark Place #5

    Preview: Spike: A Dark Place #5

    How cool is it that for the past few months we have had weekly Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe comics? The Spike and Willow limited series’ have help to expand the scope of “Season 9” and its theme of a magic-less world without making the season drag on forever (my main criticism of “Season 8”).…

    Read more: Preview: Spike: A Dark Place #5



  • Preview: Angel and Faith #17

    Preview: Angel and Faith #17

    I can’t wait to see where we go from last issue’s cliffhanger ending (spoilers) that saw someone or something in Gile’s body claiming to know a lot about resurrection. Whether this twist is a good or bad thing for Angel’s quest to revive the former watcher is anyone’s guess. More to talk about after the…

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  • Preview: Angel & Faith #16

    Preview: Angel & Faith #16

    Angel & Faith is well past the half way mark for the “season” and is still moving forward towards Angel’s ultimate goal of bringing Giles back to life. Recent appearances by Willow, Connor, and Gunn have helped to firmly keep the series in the Buffy/Angel verse while exploring past stories and ideas, such as the…

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  • Preview: Angel & Faith #13

    Preview: Angel & Faith #13

    This week Angel and Faith continue their journey into the hell dimension of Quor-Toth in part 3 of “Family Reunion” along with Willow and Connor. I really have to say that I love the dynamic between the group and even though I know that Willow is just passing through (and will have her own mini-series…

    Read more: Preview: Angel & Faith #13


