In the comics right now The Avengers are facing off with the X-Men, but come 2015 they might be facing off with the Justice League as both Marvel Studios and Warner Brothers are gearing up new film versions of the beloved superheroes. Fresh news has broken this past week on both properties. Lets start with…
I can’t believe it has almost been a year since DC Comics relaunched their whole line of comics with new number one issues, rewriting the history of characters and changing some to the very core. Personally, I don’t like what they did to Superman and his “family” of books. The character just doesn’t feel like…
Ever since they announced the new Superman reboot to be directed by Zack Synder and produced by Christopher Nolan, one of the biggest questions has been the suit. Would they redesign it (as it has in the comics)? Make it darker? Or keep the traditional red and blue tights? Well, we finally have our first…
I don’t fully know how I feel about DC Comics upcoming renumbering/reboot of their line. The fanboy in me that followed the DCU for years and years is disappointed, but with how bad things have gotten recently (which caused me to not bother picking up a DC title in months), I can see why they’d…
I seem to be doing a lot of TV talk these days, so why don’t I change the pace a little bit for the newest edition of The Pit. Lets talk about movies… Low budget horror filmmaker John Johnson has started shooting a remake of Ed Wood’s infamous Plan 9 from Outer Space. Johnson is…
With Marvel Comic’s announcement of their new superhero block of Spider-Man and Avengers toons on Disney XD, we knew an announcement from their main rival DC Comics couldn’t be too far away. Well, now we have it. DC Comics and Warner Brothers will be continuing their relationship with Cartoon Network and are putting together a…