To be honest I almost didn’t see this, from the trailers it looked like a rental, and after the abysmal The Last Stand I wasn’t excited about another questionable movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it. Yet I’m glad I let myself get dragged into seeing this because to my delight I found a lot more…
What can I say about this one? I did not like the first one and yet, thanks to an old friend of mine, I’m now the not so proud owner of the following statement; “I saw The Expendables 2 in theaters.” What can I say about this film that you cannot already predict from the…
Release Date: August 17, 2012 Studio: Universal Director: Simon West Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Charisma Carpenter, Terry Crews, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Plot: The Expendables are reunited when Mr. Church enlists them to take on a seemingly simple job. When things go wrong, the…
It is a new week, and there is a lot going on. Warner Brothers Animation has announced a new Green Lantern series that will be fully computer-generated. It is set to follow Hal Jordan, Kilowog, and an unspecific Red Lantern. This is the first fully computer generated series with DC Comics superheroes. There is rumored…
AICN has been doing another round of fan Q&As with action movie legend Sylvester Stallone in anticipation for his upcoming flick The Expendables (which hits theaters of August 13th, 2010). These Q&As are awesome, with Stallone sharing stories about past films and dropping a lot of behind the scenes nuggets along the way. One of…