Our friends over at Inside Report sent us this press release about the relaunch of their site and webseries. The show focuses on indie filmmakers and helps promote shorts and features from unknowns. We highly recommend checking out the show.
Inside Report, the ‘net’s #1 indie film show is back and better than ever!
Featuring a new, refined format and more in depth interviews – Inside Report is back in action over at www.insidereport.co.uk
The first edition of the new series features an exclusive interview with filmmaker Howard Warmsley. Host/Producer Sky Wilson will be chatting to him about his latest film, The Visitors – about his history with filmmaking and about the benefit the internet can play for the indie filmmaker.
With the new format comes a new website too. It’s more feature rich than ever before with more of a focus towards letting people know what’s out there and where they can see it. We’ve also added a new section listing upcoming festivals and events so that you can keep your film calendar up to date! We’ve even added an archive of previous shows too!
If you want to promote your film or appear on the show (or if you know anyone who might), get in touch with us info@insidereport.co.uk
For all these features and more, head over to www.insidereport.co.uk
Created way back in 2004 by producer Sky Wilson and director Vin Kelly, Inside Report has always focused on giving the talent behind the best short films the recognition they deserve. Every edition has featured interviews with some of the best up and coming talent from around the world.
Filmmakers such as Sandy Collora (Batman: Dead End), Marty Martin (Got Milk?: The Movie, Dance With The Devil), and Shane Felux (Revelations, Trenches) have all appeared in previous shows, and we are aiming to find the next generation of talent in 2009 and beyond.
Sky Wilson
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