The Pit: Hitman Sequel & a Bunch of Comic Related Stuff



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It is that time again, sit back, relax and enjoy your weekly Pit!

  • The 2009 San Diego Comic-Con’s Wednesday Preview night will include sneak peek screenings of the pilots for Human Target, V, and The Vampire Diaries. While The Vampire Diaries looks like it is taking all of the horrible things about Twilight and making it into a TV series, the comic adaptation Human Target and the remake of the alien invasion V actually look really interesting.
  • Fox has hired Kyle Ward to pen a script for Hitman 2, a sequel to the studio’s abomination that they tried to pass off as an adaptation of the hit game. Variety describes the plot of the sequel as a time that “catches title character, Agent 47, at a low point.” Funny enough, the first Hitman movie was the title character’s low point!
  • With the casting of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern, Warner Brothers and DC Comics better get their act together with their other superhero properties. The Marc Guggenheim penned GL script features a cameo by Clark Kent. Will the WB use this to tie together a movie DC Universe? Will they continue forward with Brandon Routh as Clark Kent? Tom Welling? Or start fresh again.  Would it be very jarring to cast a new Clark Kent who we don’t know before a new Superman film has even had any development? For once, I really wish the WB and DC could take a page from Marvel Studio’s book .
  • While on the subject of Marvel, their comic side has posted a new free issue online, Captain America Reborn: Prelude. As the title says, it is a prelude to their currently running Captain America Reborn limited series which showcases the return of the classic Captian, Steve Rogers.  Check it out at Marvel’s website.
  • I guess I’m going to keep this week’s Pit completely geektaskic. has posted all 13 episodes of the Blade TV spin-off. I missed it in its original run, so I’m excited to be able to watch it whenever I want online, for free. With all this recent talk about a possible Blade movie prequel and Ryan Reynolds getting another comic book role, I’ve been back in the mood for the vampire hunter.
  • Previewing this week’s comic preview… BOOM! Studios is releasing the first issue of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a straight book to comic adaptation of the classic Philip K. Dick novel that inspired Blade Runner. The series will run for 24 issues.

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