Michelle Pfeiffer Enters the Dark Shadows!




Dark Shadows just got a little hotter! According to the Hollywood Reporter, Michelle Pfeiffer is in talks to join the adaptation as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, the head of the Collins family in the soap opera from the 60s. She joins Johnny Depp, Jackie Earle Haley, Eva Green, Bella Heatcote, and Helen Bonham Carter for director Tim Burton.

I wonder if Burton will be going ultra serious or will have a more lighthearted/dark comedy tone to Dark Shadows. I can only assume that Warner Brothers wants to launch this into a series of movies, and not just a stand alone piece.

I have an undying love for Pfeiffer and I’ll watch anything she does. She last teamed up with Tim Burton on Batman Returns, where she was the only bright spot in the otherwise disappointing sequel.  Pfeiffer is currently filming two projects, the star-studded (and likely awful) anthology flick New Year’s Eve and Welcome to People, which costars Elizabeth Banks, Olivia Wilde, and Chris Pine.

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