Preview: Ghostbusters #1




I’m not sure if it is all of the resurfaced talk about a Ghostbusters 3 movie going into production or just font memories of The Real Ghostbusters (anyone know where I can watch that online?), but I have been itching for new Ghostbusters story.  Enter IDW with an all new Ghostbusters ongoing comic series! Written by Erik Burnham with art by Dan Schoening, the series will hit stands on September 28th, 2011.

IDW’s official description:

Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Have you or any of your family ever seen a spook, specter or ghost? If the answer is yes, call the professionals! Psychokinetic energy is on the rise again, business is booming for the boys, and Ray is troubled by what could be a prophetic dream… Is this an ill omen of an upcoming apocaplypse, or just a little indigestion? These questions and more are raised in the first issue of the all-new, ongoing Ghostbusters!

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