Comic-Con 2014: Black Widow in Avengers: Age of Ultron




Hot off the heels of Iron Man and Scarlett Witch San Diego Comic Con teaser posters comes a teaser poster of Black Widow in her new costume. The poster also features glimpses of Thor’s hammer, Hulk’s fist, and Hawkeye’s arrows. I can’t wait to see what all of the images look like when put together!

Black Widow Avengers2

With the first day of the San Diego Comic Con here, expect a lot of movie, television, and comic book news. There is no doubt that Avengers: Age of Ultron will have a big presence at the Marvel Studios panel on Saturday July 26th at 5:30pm pst. Marvel’s television panel will be on Friday at 3pm pst and will feature Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter.

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