A lot of interesting news in comics lately, here are a few tidbits.
This surprised me, but is actually (maybe) a fantastic idea. Mary Jane Watson, Spiderman’s long time love and (sorta) ex-wife is joining the supporting cast of Invincible Iron Man with issue 4. Will this be a long time addition or is it more of a stunt? How will this affect Mary Jane’s role in Spiderman?
Although, with MJ being sidelined the last few years in Spiderman, this is actually a great idea for keeping her in a larger role in the Marvel universe (of course I’d totally be down for an MJ ongoing in the current Marvel Comics universe). Will she be working for Stark, friends, or a potential love interest (I could do without the latter)? The issue hits stands in December and we will discovery the direction they take with MJ. Ironically, if MJ and Tony become love interests, it was Tony’s actions that ultimately led to the end of Spiderman/MJ marriage and the rewriting of the Marvel Universe’s history (long story, see: Civil War)
December will not be nearly as friendly to DC Comic titles as five ongoing will be coming to an end by the end of the month. According to Comic Book Resources, these titles include Lobo (pictured left), Doomed, The Omega Men, Gotham By Midnight, and Justice League United.
Doomed is expected to conclude with issue #6 in November, with the rest meeting their end in December. Neither Doomed nor The Omega Men even reached 10 issues, such a short amount of time to find its footing and an audience. Years ago, these ongoings would have had a much better shot. Could these characters be retooled (or in Lobo’s case, maybe bringing him back to his pre-New 52 style and roots)? There is still a lot of potential for these characters and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them.
I’m not sure how I missed this announcement, but Joss Whedon will be writing a new comic series for Dark Horse Comics, The Twist. Of course Dark Horse is the home of Buffy, Angel, and Serenity comics.
Whedon described the series to EW, stating “It’s a Victorian thriller about a meek chambermaid who is fed to a dark horror — but instead of dying, she returns, with knowledge, power, and rage she can neither deny nor control.” The character will launch in a 6 issue mini series, with unlimited potential for future material. Buffy meets steampunk? I’m totally down for that.
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