Spiderman is rebooting again. This would get a giant eye-roll- but (and a BIG but here) the web crawler is rebooting into the Marvel Cinematic Universe! That is so epic-ly amazing (spectacular, sensational, astonishing, superior, etc.) that we can ignore the constant reboots (we would do the same and be equally excited if the Fantastic Four were inserted into the Marvel mothership movie universe). With Spiderman entering a new universe, maybe, just maybe we can have him face off with some new villains. We have speculated about Spiderman movie villains in the past (and even had some success, hello Rhino).
Here we go, our picks for possible villains in the Spiderman Reboot!

Who is to say that the main villain of a Spiderman movie needs to be introduced in the new Spiderman movie? Lets skip that and use a villain already established in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (even if it was on the Netflix/TV side of things). Kingpin is one of the most iconic Spiderman villains and was masterfully played by Vincent D’Onofrio. He opens the door to grounding Spiderman but at the same time introducing a lot of possible characters (including a cameo or team-up with Daredevil). This would be a great way to tie together different portions of the Marvel Universe while firmly placing Spiderman in the center of things.

Kraven the Hunter
Okay, I know, this is a repeat of a pick from a past list of villains I wanted to see in a Spiderman sequel, but he is just too good not to use. This is not a villain that wants to destroy the world or take over the city. This is a hunter that wants to take out Spiderman and the two are pretty equally matched in strength and speed. What better test for a new teenage Peter Parker/Spiderman? Just imagine them fighting across Manhattan or battling in the Bronx Zoo. I love the idea of Spiderman fighting someone that isn’t straight up evil per say, but is an animal like villain. Kraven also has ties to other villains that could be included, like his half brother the Chameleon or Vermin.

I was on the fence with this one. Merlin as a villain is either loved or loathed by Spiderman fans. The Other storyline added so much complication to Spiderman’s backstory and would deb so unneeded for a new series of movies, but at the same time he is a formidable big bad and could open a ton of new doors for future movies and characters; Ezekiel, Silk, and of course the possibility of doing a live action version of “Spider-Verse” (which could put Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield back into the suit!). I might be getting too ahead of myself, but I think there is a way to introduce Morlun without the over complications. I’d love to see some of the alternate world Spidermen (and women- Mayday Parker!).

White Rabbit
Okay, so this is a joke entry (sort of- Spiderman really needs more female villains). White Rabbit is the addition to this list that is similar to Rhino in my last Spiderman Movie Villains List, she wouldn’t be the headlining villain, but someone that Spiderman faces over the course of the movie. She could be robbing a bank or museum, etc. Spiderman’s world needs to be rich with costumed villains and the montages in the movie should reflect this. Hey, maybe they could throw in some established small villains from Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, or past Marvel movies for Spiderman to punch over the course of the new film. I want to feel his connection to the bigger world (but I don’t necessarily want him over shadowed by Ironman or Captain America).
Who would you like to see Spiderman face off against in the new movie?
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