Indie Book Spotlight: Shadow Game, by A.M. Adair



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What is your book, Shadow Game, about?
Shadow Game focuses on the world of covert operations. It centers on a CIA field operative named Elle Anderson, who along with her small but elite team, deal with missions and targets that prove impossible for everyone else. In this debut, Elle and her team have been tasked to destroy the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization. Starting in Iraq, they start a chain of events that will go well beyond anything they could have anticipated. For Elle, the end justifies the means. And this is just the beginning.  

What inspired this story?  
While entirely fictional, Shadow Game and its characters are inspired by real life. My very active imagination drew from a myriad of experiences spanning almost 20 years in military intelligence, but in the end, it came down to one event. I was in a convoy in Iraq, and as it turned down a particularly dark and narrow street lined with what appeared to be abandoned buildings, all the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I gripped my M4 a little tighter, and felt my heart rate increase. Everything about our surroundings said “ambush.” Luckily, we made it through and to our final location without incident, but it made me wonder, “What if?” That simple question, combined with the feelings of the moment eventually became a scene in my head. Years later, that scene and the feeling from that night would be the inspiration that set me in motion to create the Elle Anderson series.

Tell us a little about you, who is A.M. Adair? 
I am an active duty Chief Warrant Officer in the U.S. Navy, and a happily married mother of 2.  I also love dogs and consider myself fluent in multiple dialects of nerd.  I will retire from the Navy in 2022.

How can we read Shadow Game and the rest of the “Elle Anderson Series”?
Both Shadow Game (Book 1), and The Deeper Shadow (Book 2) are available through in Paperback, Kindle, and Audible formats.  Shadow War (Book 3) should be out at the end of 2021.

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One response to “Indie Book Spotlight: Shadow Game, by A.M. Adair”
  1. JoJo’s Cup of Mocha Avatar

    Such a cool type of book! It gives such insight into something that typical civilians rarely get the chance to look at.

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