What is The Killing Death about?
The Killing Death is about detective Frank Malone and his partner Jimmy as they investigate a serial killer making a pizza out of body parts. The monster is following an ancient Egyptian ritual that threatens more than just his victims. It could destroy the city itself! This is a 80’s infused pulp horror/comedy novel with loads of gore, action, and schlocky laughs. It’s an expanded novelization of my film of the same name (learn more about the film here).
What inspired The Killing Death?
As I was developing my universe of books and movies, I realized that The Killing Death film, being no-budget, didn’t meet half of the expectations that I had hoped it would, so I decided to fix it by writing the novelization. I expanded the story, explained what needed explaining, and took it to a whole new level. It fits in between the first two books of the High School Hell series, but you don’t have to have read those to know what’s going on. Nor do you have to have seen the movie. This is designed to work as a stand alone story. The vibe was intended to be a throwback to the 80’s horror novels you used to see everywhere, the ones with skeletons, holograms, or fold outs on the cover. Think Night of the Creeps or The Monster Squad.
Frank Malone is a character that can be placed in almost any situation and The Killing Death kicked everything off back in 2006, but I knew that I could do so much more on paper than I could on screen (without money) so I’ve been expanding his universe over the years to over 25 books and 10 screenplays. This particular book is set during his old age, but there are other stories that feature him in earlier eras. Stay tuned!
We’ve spotlighted 2 of I.D. Russell’s novels in the past (Heart of Stone & The Revengist), but here is a little recap about him…
I’ve got lots of different things on the go; movies, books, YouTube videos, all of which intersect in different ways. I’m also a Dad, a gamer, a voracious reader, a collector, and a martial artist. I unfortunately (?) know way too much about retro pro-wrestling. Keep watching my channels and platforms for some crazy stuff in the future!
I’ve still got a foot in the 80’s. I love that era of action movies, horror movies, and comedies. Everything I’m doing mashes up pieces of what I grew up with, like The Monster Squad, Police Academy, G.I. Joe, The Naked Gun, Hong Kong movies, video games, and schlocky pulp books. At some point, people have to notice, right?
How can we read The Killing Death?
You can find The Killing Death on Amazon and the Ringo Jones website.
- Amazon (Kindle)
- Amazon (Paperwork)
- Ringo Jones Productions
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