UFO Club was written and directed by Steven Tsapelas and stars Spencer Gonzalez, Eloise Gordon, Paolo Kossi, Josiah Schneider, Jerry Colpitts, and Frank Failla. The movie is a rom-com set in the 90s that follows a “nerd who becomes friends with the most intimidating girl in school because he believes she has a video that…
What is The Raven Moonstone about?The Raven Moonstone is a rural fantasy adventure of accidental magic. During Noah’s senior year of high school, he becomes an orphan when he loses his parents in a freak accident. Post graduation, he’s reeling from his loss and struggling to control his emotions. When a librarian hands him an ancient text,…
On Thursday Microsoft gaming CEO Phil Spencer made a shocking announcement confirming rumors that the company will be making four exclusive games available for Playstation 5 and Nintendo Switch. Surprisingly he never said which games they will be. A report by The Verge claims the games will be music themed action game Hi-Fi Rush, adventure…
Things that make me happy… The long awaited sequel to Beetlejuice hits theaters on September 6th, 2024 and reunites Michael Keaton with Winona Ryder and Catherine O’Hara. They are joined by an incredible cast that includes Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Willem Dafoe, and Justin Theroux. Tim Burton returns to direct the ghost with the most.
Evil At The Door from producer/director Kipp Tribble is an independent thriller that stars Bruce Davison, Andrea Sweeney Blanco, Robert Allen Mukes, and Sunny Doench. The movie “centers around a secret guild that has operated for nearly a century, known as The Locusts. Once a year this guild treats its members to a night of…