Yeah, I know… American Idol returns tonight. I could do an article about it and get a lot more visitors than writing about Better Off Ted and Scrubs, two great shows that are on the blink of cancellation. But I’ll say it, I hate Idol. I’ve caught two whole seasons, and I think it is…
I have really been off my game lately. Not only did I miss the first two episodes of the revamped Scrubs, but I also forgot to watch/Tivo the final episode ever of Monk. Thankfully, most of the networks put their shows online, so if you miss something, you just have to wait a week or…
We shut down the offices for a two week fall break and television news explodes! Not only do we have to catch up on our overloaded Tivo, but we gotta swim through all of the news, rumors, casting, and drama. So I present, a special TV-inspired Pit. No new word on its start date, but…
Today was a big day for shows on the bubble as Scrubs was granted a ninth season by ABC and Joss Whedon’s told to be dead series Dollhouse was granted a second season by FOX. Both shows will be cutting costs in order to survive. In the new season of Scrubs, Zack Braff and Sarah…
Your best best tonight is to put on ABC and leave it on. At 8pm we have the finale of Scrubs followed by a new Lost at 9pm. For Scrubs, notice how I didn’t say series finale? Well, ABC hasn’t been saying it either in any of its advertising, which leads me to believe that…
I’ve been so focused on whether or not Chuck would be returning next season that this news piece fell under my radar. ABC is in talks with Scrubs executive producer Bill Lawrence about ways to lower the costs of the show and bring it back for another season. According to Variety, Zack Braff has expressed…