For My Sister from writer/director Gabriel Rhenals is an india drama that focuses on a young woman desperate to save her sister from the grips of a serious and worsening depression. The movie stars Stephanie Maltez, Cristina De Fatima, Natalie Ramirez, William Guevara and Mireya Kilmon. It was distributed by Indie Rights Movies. You can…
In the past we have spotlighted the trailer for Gabriel Rhenals’ For My Sister, a drama that focuses on depression and tragedy, and it is also apart of our #IndieFilm100 series on Twitter. We talked to the writer/director about his debut feature film and the process of putting it all together. Who? I, Gabriel Rhenals, am…
. Written and directed by Gabriel Rhenals, For My Sister follows Evie (Stephanie Maltez) as she tries to help her sister Tris (Cristina de Fatima), who has “an ever-worsening case of depression”, to avoid their mother’s tragic fate. The independent film co-stars Natalie Ramirez, William Guevara, and Mireya Kilmon. The movie came out last year…