This post was written by Jamie Jones who also writes about online accounting classes for Superman, Batman, Wolverine…bla bla bla. It’s about time that we heard it for the girls who keep the Earth spinning properly on its axis, in the face of campy-cruel villains and their danger. Television has provided a bountiful array…
HEROES Will there be a Heroes Miniseries? Heroes creator Tim Kring spoke with TV Guide to address the rumors. Tim Kring answers the questions: Will Heroes continue as a miniseries? If Heroes were a miniseries, where would it begin? …and… Is Nathan really dead or is there a chance he could be brought back to…
It is true… Heroes has been canceled. No, I’m not surprised either, but I am saddened that the show was never able to realize its full potential. That mis-leadership, along with poor writing and bad character choices made what should have been my favorite show on TV (and for a short time came close) completely…
Wow. So much can happen in just a few days; dates have been announced for the returns of my two favorite shows, a series thought dead has gotten a couple more episodes and new hope for the future, a great series is coming to a close, and a popular show is getting a webseries offshoot.…
Did you drop Heroes last season? Earlier this season? Well, the past few episodes have shown a lot of hope, with Bryan Fuller’s episode titled “Cold Snap” being the best episode since season 1. It just might be time to give the show another chance and thanks to Hulu, you can catch up on all…