The Last Days of Capitalism was written and directed by Adam Mervis and stars Mike Faiola and Sarah Harper. The independent drama is about a man and woman who “begin a complex affair over 72 hours in a Las Vegas penthouse” where “both have secrets, and getting to the bottom of those—without the inevitability of…
Detours was written and produced by Mara Lesemann and directed by Robert McCaskill. The movie is a drama about a recently single woman and her widowed father as they drive from New York City to Saint Petersburg, Florida. You can check out our full spotlight on Detours here and you can watch the movie for…
For My Sister from writer/director Gabriel Rhenals is an india drama that focuses on a young woman desperate to save her sister from the grips of a serious and worsening depression. The movie stars Stephanie Maltez, Cristina De Fatima, Natalie Ramirez, William Guevara and Mireya Kilmon. It was distributed by Indie Rights Movies. You can…
The Stay is an independent thriller directed by Scott Hamm. The movie focuses on two couples that “rent a secluded house for a weekend getaway, and encounter an odd caretaker while facing a dangerous secret.” We talked to producer/star Kipp Tribble about the film, you can check out our spotlight post here and you can watch…
Family Obligations is an independent film from In the Garage Productions and writer/director/cinematographer Kenneth R. Frank. The movie “tells the story of an isolated person who is finally drawn out of himself and into meaningful relationships for the first time in his life. It’s about the power and the pitfalls of involving yourself in other…
Cybernetic Showdown from Ian Russell is a micro budget comedy/sci-fi flick about a world overrun by mutants, and the one man that stands in-between them and the last city. The movie stars Tyhr Trubiak, Stephen Washen, and Veronica Ternopolski. You can rent/purchase Cybernetic Showdown on Amazon Video or Gumroad.