It is that time again, sit back, relax and enjoy your weekly Pit! The 2009 San Diego Comic-Con’s Wednesday Preview night will include sneak peek screenings of the pilots for Human Target, V, and The Vampire Diaries. While The Vampire Diaries looks like it is taking all of the horrible things about Twilight and making…
I saw a panel and behind the scenes footage for the adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline” at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con and it blew me away. Henry Selick (who directed “The Nightmare Before Christmas”) is directing “Coraline” in all of its stop motion glory in 3D. The teaser trailer for the film has hit…
DC Comics and the makers of Mortal Kombat are teaming up for one of the strangest video game crossovers ever, pitting characters from both universes against each other in a fighting game. At the San Diego Comic-Con, the makers of the game brought some footage and described various features and characters within the game. Well,…
I love Sin City and I love Frank Miller’s comics, but I’m still not sold on The Spirit. It really irritates me when people talk about “Frank Miller movies” and his “film style” when they fail to realize that he has no style yet. Sin City was only co-directed by Miller; the actual directing was…
I started off my panels at Comic-con with the Fox panel which promised both Keanu Reeves and Mark Wahlberg, and then threw a cherry on top with a surprise visit from Hugh Jackman! Keep reading for a rundown of the 20th Century Fox Panel. The Day the Earth Stood Still Director Scott Derickson came out…
At this years San Diego Comic-Con, Summit Entertainment showcased three upcoming films in their panel; Push, Knowing and the highly anticipated Twilight. Keep reading to find out what was revealed. Push They started off their panel with a trailer for a film called Push, about those with super powers that live amongst us. They brought…