
Every week since we all helped Save Chuck, fansites @SaveChuck and Chuck TV have organized ChuckMeMondays, where fans around the world watch Chuck in the correct ordering of episodes at the same time while Twittering/bloging about it.

Currently, CMMs is up to episode 6, “Chuck Versus the Sandworm”, which will be watched tonight at 9pm et (8pm ct, 7pm mt, and 6pm pt) over at TheWB. I’ve been watching weekly, and it is only getting me more pumped for the new season.  TheWB has posted that CMMs have increased online viewership and over in Twitter, they’ve gotten #ChuckMeMondays and #Chuck into the ever important trending topics weekly during airings.

If you can’t watch the episode at the exact time, no worries, just give it a look whenever you can, every viewing helps.  For more information about ChuckMeMondays, click here.