Cut the cord? Looking for more (different type) of movies to watch online (for free)? Over on Snag Films, I stumbled on this pre-famous Benedict Cumberbatch drama. It is always interesting to see big actors before they were famous, the movies they made, the risks they took.

Wreckers is from 2011 and was written/directed by D.R. Hood,  and stars Claire Foy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shaun Evans, Peter McDonald, Sinead Matthews, and June Watson.

Official Description: This evocative, gorgeously shot British drama stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Claire Foy (THE CROWN) as a married couple who return to the husband’s childhood village to start a family. But a surprise visit from his disturbed younger brother ignites sibling rivalry and exposes the lies embedded in the couple’s relationship. Directed by first-time filmmaker D. R. Hood, WRECKERS astutely examines the fragile relationship between truth, intimacy and betrayal.

Head over to Snag Films to watch Wreckers for free. Let us know if you enjoyed it in the comments.

UPDATE (June 2020): Sadly Snag Films has closed. You can still watch Wreckers for free with an Amazon Prime account here

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