Happy 4th of July! Enjoy the Holiday with a free online game. Hollywood The Game (also known as HTG) is a Hollywood & Filmmaking Simulation Game that is open and free to players. You can take the role of studio head, producer, critic, journalist, marketing agent, creative company, real estate agent, and casting agent to name…
Love movies? Ever wish you could be a Hollywood Producer? Hollywood The Game is a Hollywood & Filmmaking Simulation Game and Filmmaking Community that is free to players, who can take on the roles of studio heads, producers, critics, journalists, marketing agents, and creative companies to name a few. The backbone of the game emphasizes the producer/writer career,…
Hollywood The Game (HTG) is a Hollywood & Filmmaking Simulation Game that is open and free to players of all ages. Players can take the roles of studio executives, producers, critics, journalists, marketing agents, creative companies, real estate agents, and screenwriters (to name a few). The backbone of the game emphasizes the producer/writer career, in which…
With Hollywood the Game approaching its ten year anniversary, we thought it might be fun to talk to a player and get their perspective on the game and playing it. Built around a community of movie fans and writers, Hollywood the Game blurs the line between a simulation game with a full interactive city and…
Earlier this week Hollywood the Game turned 9 years old! A big congratulations goes out to the team behind the game and its community of players old and new! It is rare for a Hollywood simulation game to have such longevity, but this one doesn’t appear to be ending any time soon! Hollywood the Game…
SimCity Social. Waiting on the edge of your seat for the next SimCity game? Well, February 2013 is still very far away (seven painstaking months!). In the meanwhile we are lucky enough to have SimCity Social from EA. The game is one of those free Facebook apps that lets you interact “socially” with your friends…